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以高品質淡水珍珠、天然石和水晶等自然材料為基礎的風格飾品,手工製作與天然素材讓每件作品與眾不同。我們使用來自日本的厚鍍金、白K金及部分純銀件,不易掉色延長其光澤。提倡 FOR ALL GENDERS 理念,我們有多種男女共戴款飾品及不同尺寸提供大家做選擇,無論任何性別皆可配戴。

品牌名 SILHOUETTE 之意為輪廓,期待 SILHOUETTE SPARK 融入不同風格及樣貌,讓飾品的定義不僅是點綴用的裝飾,而是平衡整體的重要單品。

Our unique jewelry designs are based on high-quality freshwater pearl, natural stone and crystal. Each unique material makes every pieces different and special.

We use thick gold plating from Japan, white gold metal and some pure silver pieces, ensuring our crafts retain their color and prolong its shine. Advocating the FOR ALL GENDERS ideas, we offer variety of jewelry for unisex with different sizes for everyone to choose from.

We look forward to each pieces from SILHOUETTE SPARK incorporates different styles and appearances, aspiring to our jewelry is not just an accessory for decoration, but an essential piece that balances the overall look.


  1. 手工製作工時較長,出貨時間約7-21天,再請大家耐心等候💛💛💛
  2. 手作飾品以及天然材料讓每一款飾品都有些許不同,送給每位特別的你🌞
  3. 由於天然石以及每顆珍珠的尺寸皆有些許落差,飾品正負2公分皆為正常,如挑選飾品上有任何問題,請提供脖圍或手圍,我們會幫助你找到最適合的尺寸🙌🏽 如未來需修改長度需酌收$500工費(不含運費)
  4. 配戴時請避免拉扯
  5. 不是純金純銀的飾品一律建議避免洗澡、下海時配戴
  6. 正常配戴狀況下可以在每次配戴後拿眼鏡布等乾布擦拭
  7. 如碰到汗、海水,務必用清水沖洗後擦乾再陰乾維持飾品光澤度
  8. 擔心環境溼度高時,建議放至飾品盒或我們附贈的絨布袋中
  9. 噴香水後記得等待3-5分鐘再將飾品配戴上身上
  10. 依照台灣消保法,飾品是歸類在貼身物品類,故無鑑賞期也不受理退換貨
  11. 為了不製造過多垃圾,使用紙盒以及紙製防撞包材,沒有漂亮的包裝,將重心注重於產品本身💛


  1. With a longer production time, shipping takes approximately 7-21 days, thanks for being patient💛💛💛
  2. Handmade jewelry and natural materials make each piece of jewelry slightly different, perfect for each special one of you🌞
  3. It’s normal for deviations of ±2 cm in handmade jewelry. If there are any problems with your selection, please provide your neck or wrist measurements, we will help you find the most suitable size🫶🏽  A $500 fee (excluding shipping) will be charged for future length adjustments.
  4. Please avoid pulling or stretching when wearing.
  5. For jewelry that is not made of pure gold or pure silver, it is recommended not to wear it while bathing or swimming.
  6. Use glasses cloth or dry cloth to clean after wearing them.
  7. If it comes into contact with sweat or seawater, it is recommended to rinse with clean water, then dry and air-dry.
  8. If you are concerned about high humidity in the environment, it is suggested to store it in a jewelry box or the pouch we provide.
  9. After spraying perfume, remember to wait for 3-5 minutes before wearing the jewelry.
  10. According to Taiwanese Consumer Protection Act, jewelry falls under the category of intimate items, thus no trial period or returns are accepted.
  11. To minimize waste, we use paper boxes and paper-based protective packaging, foregoing elaborate packaging to focus on the product itself. 💛

*The product is packed in the provided velvet pouch for convenient storage or travel.




How to Measure Your Neck: Place the tape measure snugly around your neck, measuring the closest centimeter.

How to Measure Your Wrist: Place the tape measure snugly below the wrist bone, the place where you would normally wear jewelry, measure the closest centimeter.


  1. 為了不製造過多垃圾,我們省略塑膠製破壞袋,利用紙盒運送以及紙製防撞包材保護商品。 沒有漂亮的包裝,將重心注重於產品本身。
  2. 運送過程我們會盡可能保護好每件飾品,物流疏失恕無法咎責。



* 國內、海外訂單請確認資訊是否填寫正確,若是因收件資料填寫不完整、有誤,導致配送失敗,買家需負擔重新寄送的費用。


  1. 宅配查詢包裹進度:黑貓郵局
  2. 超商查詢包裹進度:7-11全家
  3. To minimize waste, we use paper boxes instead of plastic destruction bags for shipping, along with paper-based cushioning materials to protect the products. Without elaborate packaging, our focus is on the products themselves.
  4. During shipping, we make every effort to protect each piece of jewelry. Once an item is shipped, we are no longer responsible for the order.

shipping info:

We offer home delivery (limited to Taiwan mainland/islands) and pickup at convenience stores (7-Eleven, FamilyMart) on our official website.

* For domestic and international orders, please ensure that the information provided is accurate. If delivery fails due to incomplete or incorrect recipient information, the buyer will be responsible for the cost of reshipment.

Once the parcel status shows “Shipped,” you can inquire about the parcel number from customer service the next day and track it on the shipping platform:

  1. For home delivery: Use Black Cat or Postal Services.
  2. For pickup at convenience stores: Use 7-11 or FamilyMart.




In accordance with Taiwan’s Consumer Protection Act, accessories such as earrings, ear studs, necklaces, rings, bracelets, etc., are considered personal hygiene products. Therefore, once unsealed, they are not eligible for a trial period, and based on personal hygiene principles, returns or exchanges are not accepted. Additionally, items which is discounted products are not eligible for return or exchange services. Please read the shopping instructions and product descriptions carefully before making a purchase.

For length adjustments service, we will modify the length of the purchased item for a fee starting at $500 (excluding shipping). For size adjustments, please contact customer service.